Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Interaction

In the beginning, the user will see the male and female avater drink tea at the living room.

When enter certain area, thebutton will pop up to allow user to explore the artefact. The proximity sensor is used to do this interaction.

When the user click on the history button, a pop up menu about the artefact's history appear. To close the pop up menu, user has to click the button again.

When the user click on the interaction button, the application will load another scene.

When click on auto button, the artefact will rotate automatically. Click on it again will stop the rotation and go back to its original position.

When click on manual button, user is allowed to rotate the artefact by drag the mouse. Click on it again will stop the rotation and go back to its original position.

When click on back button, it will go back to the previous scene.

When click on map button, a pop up menu is appeared to show the position of the user. To close it, user has to click on it again.

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