Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Polygon Count

Here are the elements of my application.

The avatar

The yangqing is quite high poly(9300 poly) because i need to show the interior structure of it.

Some elements like drum and bookshelf are too high poly, so some detail is deleted.

Virtools software

i can't run the virtools software, when i try to run it, my computer will auto shut down. Last time i thought it is because my hardisk is not compatible with the software, but after i changed back to my old hardisk it still got problem...Beside, when i installed the exporter, it shows that my virtools software got missing file, so i also can not install the exporter. I am quite sure the installer is not the problem, because my friend who use the same installer didn't face this problem.

Anyone know what is the problem? How to solve it?

Friday, February 6, 2009